Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City

Blue Card Appeal Request Form

This form is to be used to request a reconsideration of a previously adjudicated claim but there is no additional or corrected data to be submitted.



  • * Required Field

    Enter Patient Information


    Enter Provider Information

  • Enter a 10 digit phone number.
  • Enter a 10 digit phone number.

Date of Appeal Request:

(Please note: Appeals are for medical necessity only. All other inquiries for denials must be submitted on an inquiry form)

Choose a file or files to attach (File types accepted: jpg, txt, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, tiff, and tif) *

To upload multiple files, hold down the CTRL key while selecting multiple documents then click open.

  • Checking this box will send a copy of your form to the email address provided.

If you experience issues submitting this form, please print and fax it to (816) 278-1924.

Member Prefix

Your prefix is on the front of your Member ID card. See the sample ID card above. If you do not have your member ID card, contact the Customer Service department by clicking Contact Us, or calling 816-395-3558 or 888-989-8842.

IMPORTANT: If you are an FEP Member, enter "NA" into the Prefix field.

ID Number

Your member ID is a unique number that identifies your plan. It is on the front of your Member ID card. See the sample ID card above. If you do not have your member ID card, contact the Customer Service department by clicking Contact Us, or calling 816-395-3558 or 888-989-8842.


Your Suffix is a two digit number located on your Member ID card. See the sample ID card above. If you do not have your member ID card, contact the Customer Service department by clicking Contact Us, or calling 816-395-3558 or 888-989-8842.

For Blue Card members, suffix is not required.

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